Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Garden

I just wanted to post about our awesome garden because we are so proud of it! We had so much fun and almost everything was successful. Tucker's favorite crop was the carrots. Every day he wanted us to go dig one up. We canned (for the first time) pickles, tomato sauce, beets, and relish. We learned that we need to plant more tomatoes and that maybe we don't need 7 zucchini plants ( I know. I know. What were we thinking!?!) As much as I loved it I am pretty excited to not feel the need to go weeding for a few months.

Jeremy's Wedding

Hooray! My little brother, Jeremy, married a wonderful girl named Amy Jane last week. My camera was lost (but now is found.) so I don't have any pictures but they are a wonderfully cute couple and I am so excited for them. I just love weddings! Andrew and I have decided that we don't want to wait until our 50th wedding anniversary for a big shebang so we might have one at 20 years. We just are one of those wierd people that LOVE planning.