Thursday, June 3, 2010

Birthday Cake

So Andrew and I recently discovered how much we are NOT cake connoisseurs. I realize that my biggest problem is the frequency of my cake-making attempts. I only try at birthdays and if you take in to account that we have four people in our family and that Andrew makes the cake for my birthday, that leaves three times a year. This is not often enough to create a skill. Here are some pictures of our efforts. It turned out ok if you don't mind that it could double as a bowl for the ice cream because it sunk so much! Anyway- I am determined to make cakes more often, which I am sure my family will not mind.


  1. That cake was so tasty! I thought it looked quite cute! Love, Nan

  2. Oh, I think that is beautiful! What a cute idea! Caleb didn't even get a decorated cake for his birthday, that's what kind of cake connoisseur I am. Although I think it would be a great talent to make and decorate cakes.
